Thursday, June 26, 2008


Gas prices are out of sight with no relief apparent. Though McCain supports 0ff-shore drilling, he leaves it up to the states, mainly Florida and California, to make the decision, and they are far from enthusiatic about the venture. Obama doesn't seem to favor anything except continuing on the current path. So much for the great hearalded change he spouts The Democrats say drilling no good because it would take 10 years to see any relief at the pump. I believe American ingenuity could bring this around in much less than 10 years. Also, if we had done this some years ago, we would feel the benefits now. The best way out of this mess is for Congress to subsidize gasoline and keep the cost down to $100 a barrel, and at the same time go all out to develop new domestic sources of oil, build refineries, and establish atomic power plants. Perhaps if the $600 recently provided to many Americans had been used to subsidize gasoline it would have been a better move and as so much of the economy is tied to oil, it may have pumped up the economy as much or more than the $600 handout did. Of course, we should continue to pursue alternate forms of fuel, but recall that most people own cars that are run by gasolene, so alternate means provide no out for them. We need oil in order to progress until the alternates become a reality and the people have time to adjust to the changes.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It seems that hardly a day passes that one or both of the presidential candidates or their followers are apologizing for som ething they said. If they believed what they said, they shouldn't apologize, if they didn't mean it or believe it, they shouldn't have said it in the first place. They should rtemember who they are, where they are and what they represent and keep their mouth shut. Apologies, as that great cavalry commander John Wayne said are a sign of weakness, and one could add, of poor thinking or action and we don't need any of this in the White House.