Monday, June 29, 2009


It's hard to believe the gullibility of the American voter who would elect an untried, former Muslim, with questionable past associations, to the highest office in the land.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


It appears to me that our noble leader is like a little boy just introduced to the mcdonald playroom. Wide eyed. enthralled by what he sees and can hardly wait to try out all the goodies surrounding him. Obama appears to trust everyone except FOX news, even the dictatorial leaders of Iran, Egypt and Venezuela with special attention given to North Korea's Dear Leader. Domestically he has found all sorts of goodies to play with, namely, so called global warming and other environmental subjects, the automobile industry, banking, doctors, hospitals, immigration and illegals. It probably won't be long before he places our military in similar shape to what it was back in the "Dark Ages" of the 1930's. After all he has to get funds to satisfy his other tinkering. When his new environmental taxes on fuels, electricity and other necessities are enacted into law it would seem that much of his grassroots support will evaporate along with his halo.

Monday, October 27, 2008


It's amazing the way the media has moved from their historic position as watch dog to their current position as Barrack Obama's lap dog.

Friday, October 17, 2008


The current ongoing registration and voting problem with ACORN is enough to make one want to throw up. Though he denies it, Obama's hand is evident in this blatant attempt to influence the election by nasty subterfuge. It reinforces my feeling that voting should be reserved to those who contribute in some way possibly taxes, property ownership, etc. I realize that this is the way it once was, but the current system of everyone being able to vote is what makes it possible for Obama to get votes by making all sorts of promises to the societal leeches who contribute nothing, but have their hands deep into the till. I believe voting to be a privilege and
if people have to suffer a certain amount of inconveniance to register and travel to the polling places, so be it. The idea of groups like ACORN badgering, promising, and paying -people to register and vote is not beneficial to the nation. In those states that they have operated, all of the registrations and votes should be discarded, and assume it never happened. If this is not done, and the election is close, there is bound to be challenges that could tie up the government
far past mid-January 2009

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Do people really stop to think? Are they ready to turn the Presidency of the United States, perhaps the most important leadership position in the world, over to a man who carries a suspicious amount of negative baggage? Consider the following: His father was a Muslim and Barrack spent a part of his youth in Muslim surroundings and was evidently a Muslim until converting to Christianity under the auspices of the nation hating Jeremiah Wright. His close association with 1960's unrepentant members of the militant weathermen. His friendship with some of the corrupt Chicago wheeler and dealers. It's possible that none of this has affected Obama, but are we really ready to take the chance? Once he occupies the Oval Office, it will be difficult to correct the mistake, so why take the chance?

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Over and over I hear various talking heads state that there are 46 milliuon Americans without
health insurance. Where did this figure come from? Is it an actual figure, or is it a figure dreamed up by someone in the past, and constant repetition has given it credibility? If it is an actual, legitimate figure, how was it arrived at? How does one go about determining how many
people are without health insurance? I suppose one way would be to add up all the people with such insurance and subtract them from the total population. Anyway, the 46 million figure has been kicking around long enough that the figure is suspect. How does it manage to remain constant, when everything else changes for one reason or another?

Friday, September 26, 2008


The philosopher, John Stuart Mill, writing in the 19th Century, provided a statement on university education, that should be required reading, and absorption by all of today's college
professors. It is as follows:
"The proper business of a university," Mill wrote, "is to give us information and training, and help us to form our own belief in a manner worthy of intelligent beings, who seek for truth at all hazards, and demand to know all the difficulties, in order that they may be better qualified to find, or recognize the most satisfactory mode of resolving them."