Monday, October 27, 2008


It's amazing the way the media has moved from their historic position as watch dog to their current position as Barrack Obama's lap dog.

Friday, October 17, 2008


The current ongoing registration and voting problem with ACORN is enough to make one want to throw up. Though he denies it, Obama's hand is evident in this blatant attempt to influence the election by nasty subterfuge. It reinforces my feeling that voting should be reserved to those who contribute in some way possibly taxes, property ownership, etc. I realize that this is the way it once was, but the current system of everyone being able to vote is what makes it possible for Obama to get votes by making all sorts of promises to the societal leeches who contribute nothing, but have their hands deep into the till. I believe voting to be a privilege and
if people have to suffer a certain amount of inconveniance to register and travel to the polling places, so be it. The idea of groups like ACORN badgering, promising, and paying -people to register and vote is not beneficial to the nation. In those states that they have operated, all of the registrations and votes should be discarded, and assume it never happened. If this is not done, and the election is close, there is bound to be challenges that could tie up the government
far past mid-January 2009

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Do people really stop to think? Are they ready to turn the Presidency of the United States, perhaps the most important leadership position in the world, over to a man who carries a suspicious amount of negative baggage? Consider the following: His father was a Muslim and Barrack spent a part of his youth in Muslim surroundings and was evidently a Muslim until converting to Christianity under the auspices of the nation hating Jeremiah Wright. His close association with 1960's unrepentant members of the militant weathermen. His friendship with some of the corrupt Chicago wheeler and dealers. It's possible that none of this has affected Obama, but are we really ready to take the chance? Once he occupies the Oval Office, it will be difficult to correct the mistake, so why take the chance?

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Over and over I hear various talking heads state that there are 46 milliuon Americans without
health insurance. Where did this figure come from? Is it an actual figure, or is it a figure dreamed up by someone in the past, and constant repetition has given it credibility? If it is an actual, legitimate figure, how was it arrived at? How does one go about determining how many
people are without health insurance? I suppose one way would be to add up all the people with such insurance and subtract them from the total population. Anyway, the 46 million figure has been kicking around long enough that the figure is suspect. How does it manage to remain constant, when everything else changes for one reason or another?

Friday, September 26, 2008


The philosopher, John Stuart Mill, writing in the 19th Century, provided a statement on university education, that should be required reading, and absorption by all of today's college
professors. It is as follows:
"The proper business of a university," Mill wrote, "is to give us information and training, and help us to form our own belief in a manner worthy of intelligent beings, who seek for truth at all hazards, and demand to know all the difficulties, in order that they may be better qualified to find, or recognize the most satisfactory mode of resolving them."

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


As I recall it has been said that we could not operate under a parliamentary system because our political parties are not strong enough. The recent problems with the Democratic Party belie
this as people who should know better throw their support to Barack Obama even when it is
obvious that they don't really believe in him. The most glaring example of this are the Clintons,
husband and wife, who when push comes to shove, put their recent glaring criticisms of Obama
aside in the interest of the party, even though I'm sure they do not believe it's in the national

Monday, August 25, 2008


The Obama camp has accused McCain of being in the pocket of Big Oil, but when it comes to campaign contributions the employees of Exxon have contributed $42, 100 to Obama and to
McCain $35, 166. In addition the 2005 Energy act which among other things, gave Big Oil
large tax breaks, was supported by Senator Barack Obama, while Senator John McCain voted
against it.

Friday, July 25, 2008


I don't think the country is ready for a black president. Until we are able to put racial separation behind us a black president will be the problem rather than a possible solution to what are perceived as the nations ills. White people will believe he is doing too much for those of his own race, and black people will believe he is not doing enough. This introduces a new factor into presidential politics. I watch blacks and whites state, rather despairingly, on talk shows that there must be an honest and open dialogue between blacks and whites, before we can settle down into a color blind nation. Unfortunately, the great bulk of the black population, and the white population, carry racial baggage that will be difficult, if not impossible to set aside.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I know a person, a registered Democrat, who has said that he prefers a Democrat, but votes for the best person for the job, regardless of party. This presidential election he has the opportunity to put that statement into play. He has indicated that he will not vote for Obama, and thus will not vote at all. This is wrong. If he does not in fact, want Obama to be President of the United States, he should vote for McCain, otherwise, by not voting at all, he is casting a vote for Obama, because he has denied McCain a vote, which indirectly favors Obama. If a person refrains from voting because he cannot stomach the candidate of his party, he should cross party lines and vote for an alternate, rather than not vote at all. The national good transcends the political parties, and the party affiliation should be set aside in the interests of the nation.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Gas prices are out of sight with no relief apparent. Though McCain supports 0ff-shore drilling, he leaves it up to the states, mainly Florida and California, to make the decision, and they are far from enthusiatic about the venture. Obama doesn't seem to favor anything except continuing on the current path. So much for the great hearalded change he spouts The Democrats say drilling no good because it would take 10 years to see any relief at the pump. I believe American ingenuity could bring this around in much less than 10 years. Also, if we had done this some years ago, we would feel the benefits now. The best way out of this mess is for Congress to subsidize gasoline and keep the cost down to $100 a barrel, and at the same time go all out to develop new domestic sources of oil, build refineries, and establish atomic power plants. Perhaps if the $600 recently provided to many Americans had been used to subsidize gasoline it would have been a better move and as so much of the economy is tied to oil, it may have pumped up the economy as much or more than the $600 handout did. Of course, we should continue to pursue alternate forms of fuel, but recall that most people own cars that are run by gasolene, so alternate means provide no out for them. We need oil in order to progress until the alternates become a reality and the people have time to adjust to the changes.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It seems that hardly a day passes that one or both of the presidential candidates or their followers are apologizing for som ething they said. If they believed what they said, they shouldn't apologize, if they didn't mean it or believe it, they shouldn't have said it in the first place. They should rtemember who they are, where they are and what they represent and keep their mouth shut. Apologies, as that great cavalry commander John Wayne said are a sign of weakness, and one could add, of poor thinking or action and we don't need any of this in the White House.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


When those who benefit most from living in a country, contribute the least to its defense and those who benefit least are asked to pay the ultimate price, something happens to the soul of that country. I don't remember the origin of this quotation, but it hits the nail on the head regarding this nation today. Not only do people refuse to serve, but they also encourage the young to ignore the armed forces. What is worse is that a sizeable number of people, mostly from large urban areas, reflect a personal animus towards those who do serve. Also, in this connection, I do not believe there has ever been a president who had to contend with the continual vile, crude, and downright dirty language that President Bush has endured from the extreme left. It is not necessary to agree with the president, but it should be kept in mind that he or she is the titular head of the nation, that as Head of State the position is in great extent symbolic, and therefore when one reviles the president, he is in effect passing the same vilification onto himself. Other presidents have been unpopular to varying degrees. Andrew Johnson, Abraham Lincoln, Lyndon Johnson and Woodrow Wilson come to mind, but none of these suffered quite the same nastiness as George W. Bush. As you may have guessed, I'm one of the few who believe that President Bush, like President Truman, will be recognized by history, and ranked in the top percentile of presidents. We seem to have forgotten what started all the current rancor towards the president--namely the premeditated attack on the twin towers and the Pentagon, the subsequent invasion of Iraq and the elimination of Hussein. Perhaps we should have left Iraq at that point, as the first President Bush did, that's a point for others to work out, but the undeniable fact is There have been no more terrorist attacks on US soil. This is indisputable. I suggest that soon after Bush leaves office there will be an attack of some sort in the United States,,irrespective of who becomes president. To test the mettle of the new president. Let's all hope he or she is up to the task!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


So far, the so-called Secular-Progressives have pretty well taken over the Main Stream Media, the colleges and universities, and the movie industry, but, though they control these vital opinion shaping institutions, they have not been able to shake the innate pride of nation which typifies the middle American, who generally views with suspicion the
Negative predictions of the east and west coaster

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


As the Democratic primary winds down, I must admit that my feelings for Hillary Clinton have changed. I realize that she's a politician and has studied at the feet of the great charlatan, Bubba Clinton, but nevertheless she has shown a grit, determination and drive that indicate she could probably handle the presidency. Unless she changes it appears that she is no longer tied to the radical left wing of the party as is her democratic copponent. I'm not enthralled by her political stances, but on examination, except for health care, taxes, and Iraq, she is not that far from McCain. She shows more fire than McCain--she really wants the job--and sometimes I wonder whether McCain really, really wants it. In my mind, the biggest problem with Hillary is her honesty and her husband. We know she lies (Bosnia) and is a possible thief (White House furniture), but better the one you know than the one you don't know--Obama. As far as Bill is concerned, I think he will create havoc in the administration, unless Hillary could funnel him into a job that would keep him too remote to interfere, perhaps Ambassador to Fiuland, which is far away and the girls, I undersatnd, are beautiful. If the Democrtas want to win the Presidency they had better nominate Hillary. She has demonstrated a will and determination that will inspire many. The other guy is smooth and appealing to many who do not think beyond the end of their nose. He's all wrapped up in a nice package, but no'one knows what's really inside the package. It would be a disaster to find the contents are rotten after he is elected. Would I vote for Hillary? I can't say. There are still considerations. Can she get the nomination? She ought to get it. Will McCain falter? Who are the running mates? Will Hillary drift too far left? This is possible because she may need their money. This lady shows she has guts and determination and we need that above all. I'm a Republican, but as I've said, I voted for Democrats and can do so again. Can Democrats do the same?

Sunday, May 18, 2008


While resting in a living room chair my mind drifted to some books on the Roman Army I was reading and I thought my son Pete, in Maine would like them and I should take them with me when we go in August. Then I thought, he will want to know the author, who is a man by the name of Scarrow, this then led me to sparrow, which in turn led to a guy named Cerniglia who was in my OCS company at Fort Benning in 1942. Cerniglia was a loud-mouth who bragged of having been Brigadier General Teddy Roosevelt's (son of the President) driver in the 1st Infantry Division. My mind then drifted to a hot day at Fort Benning (how do I know it was hot--they were all hot!) in probably July, 1942, when at the end of a class, the instructor asked, as he was programmed to do, "Are there any questions?" Now, let it be known, that no GI in his right mind would ask a question at this time as that would eat into the ten minute break following the class, and particularly into the cigarette time (this was back in the days before cigarettes became harmful to your health). Nevertheless, staying in character, good ol" Cerniglia had a question.
The instructor listened politely, then said the following: "This puts me in mind of a story. There was a little sparrow who lived in Boston and back when there were a lot of horses he lived a good life as there was plenty of food on the street. But then the auto came and times were rough. One day he's teetering on the curb almost dead, when a horse came by and dumped a meal right in front of him. The sparrow tottered into the street and gorged himself, then got back up on the curb and began to sing, at which point a cat came by and gobbled him up. The moral of this story
is-'when your full of s--t, don't open your mouth'. From that point on Cerniglia was known as Sparrow, and the name followed him throughout the war, and perhaps after. Why did I write all of this--I don't know, it just seemed like a good idea and it does show how the mind follows a train of thought, and besides it's a good story and a true one.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Well, looks like the chickens have come home to roost. Gas prices are skyrocketing and there's really no end in sight. So what causes it? A couple of things. First there's the increased demand, mainly by India and China on a supply which has not increased to meet the demand. Common sense says that if demand exceeds supply, the price will go up. Even if we produce more crude, we do not have the refinery facilities to handle it. Secondly, our government, Congress and the various presidents have given in to the exhortations of the environmentalists and have not allowed additional drilling, nor the building of refineries. There will probably be a change of direction as the outcry grows about the high gas prices, but it will be a number of years before any results can be felt, and don't expect the price of gas to come down in the meantime. I believe we're going to experience the same results when Congress and the President begin to manipulate so-called Global Warming. Food prices are already rising as shortages exist due to diversion of food products into bio-fuels--wait til the additional taxes clock in! All three of the candidates believe in Al Gores doom and gloom.

Friday, May 16, 2008


What a tempest in a teapot! The President speaking to the Israeli parliament made reference to a 1940's senator who stated that if he had been able to speak with Hitler could have prevented
the invasion of Poland. President Bush did not say that he was casting Barack Obama in that image. However, Barack Obama and his supporters took this as a slap at the senator. All I can get from this is that Obama must have a guilt feeling as to his position, otherwise, why would he feel that the President in making a policy statement, was referring to him? Democrats refer to Nixon talking with the Chinese and Reagan with the Soviets as examples of past presidents conferring with our enemies, but in both cases we operated from strength and let the other party know it. There has been no indication, as far as I know, from Obama that he would use the power of the United States and his office, to influence the other party. As I recall, "There would be no pre-conditions." Also, what a nerve the Democrats have to criticize George Bush, who is the titular leader of the Republican Party, for making what they call a political statement. What do they expect? That Bush and McCain will lie down and play dead? The last great Democrat Harry Truman said it best: "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen."

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Its 5:30 AM and what to blog? This is a dialysis day and Carole will be up at aboput 6:00 to get breakfast. Jack ans Lois Graf are here for one night on their way back to Texas after going to Illinois to see Jack's brother who was deathly ill. Bob and Nancy came over for supper and later Kelly, Mark and the little guy showed up, all three riding on a motor scooter--I assume saving gas. Kelly showed me how to post pictures to the blog, but i have no suitable pictures. Rain--so what else is new! Look forward to getting on to doing my own dialysis, and if all goes well we will drive to Maine this summer. Am sure it will be my "last hurrah". We may get in a trip to Branson also, as we already have the tickets which we didn't use last year. Also a shakedown trip to Texas to visit Jack and Lois, not to shakedown them, but to find out how I handle a 400+ mile trip. Bob just back from long truck trip and he spanned the nation hitting both Maine and California, among other locations. Tim has bought us a carpet in Afghanistan and is shipping it to us--should be here in about 3 weeks. Carole wants it for the sun room. From Tim, there is a possible outside chance that Pete may try to get one of the type contract jobs that Tim has. I think it would do ete well to get away fro a while--and the money's good. Bob's going to come over and replace a part of our fascia which blew off during a past windstorm. He is a great help to us and does countless things big and small for us. Kelly and Mark have also been very helpful.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Just writing this off the top of my head, so don't know how it will come out. I admire John McCain, but wish we had someone with more fire and one who hews more closely to conservative values. I wonder whether he will cut loose on Obama, or will he be Mr nice guy and wind up losing the election? I don't agree with him on Global Warming and believe that to follow that path will break the back of the American tax payer with absolutely no discernible change in weather patterns. This is the gospel according to Gore and I hate to see McCain getting into the tent with the Great Al. As far as the illegal question is concerned, I mostly agree with him except for sanctuary cities--which he seems to think are OK. As long as someone secures the border, I know we will have to eventually legalize these people. I think he favors English as the official language, though I'm not sure. Why there's any question in any one's mind concerning this, I haven't a clue, except politics. How on earth the far left can call people desiring a one language nation, racists and bigots, is beyond me. But then a lot of things are beyond me when I try to understand the motivations of many of my Fellow Americans. How will we ever come together in Their country if we can't approach matters honestly without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, etc? These things are fixed, immutable, and they can't go away, so why are we so reluctant to discuss them openly--why must we, particularly white males, have to walk on eggs whenever we approach topics involving these matters? Why, when Hillary Clinton mentioned that most white working people voted for her, was there an outcry of racism? She only stated a fact, and isn't it also a fact that a vast majority of blacks voted for Obama? People who seriously question Obama's suitability to be president are likely to be labeled racist by some of his supporters. If we give in to this insidious use of words, how can we ever rationally decide

the fitness of a person seeking the most powerful position in the world?. This was supposed to be an election free of racial overtones according to Obama and others. Think!! How was that to be possible when one of the candidates was a black man? We are not and never have been a color blind society, though the courts have so dictated, this does not make it so in the hearts and minds of the electorate. We should not exacerbate the matter of race, but at the same time it cannot be ignored--it is there, and ignore it, placate it, do whatever--it will not go away. Even the eloquent Obama cannot make it disappear.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama." Words that send chills down the spine of anyone with a real thought in their head. His main supporters appear to be Blacks (understandable), college educated, academic egg-heads, and union organizations, but not necessarily their members. This is more evidence that a college education does not build on and reinforce intelligence. Common sense remains with the common people, and hopefully they will display this in November and vote for John McCain. McCain has demonstrated through the trials and travails of his Vietnam captivity and his long years in the Congress, his character, integrity and essential decency. Retired Air Force Colonel Bud Day, the most decorated man of the Vietnam War (Medal of Honor, Air Force Cross, Silver Star, and other medals) who in an interview with Carl Cameron on Fox News confirmed the courage of John McCain during captivity and stated that John McCain was not corruptible then and he is not corruptible today. Col Day was the commander in the Hanoi Hilton and "roomed" with John McCain. While in the Senate John McCain has evidenced his ability to work across party lines by sponsoring legislation in co'operation with Democrats Kennedy and Feingold, among others. There has been no evidence of any such action by Barack Obama, yet he says that he can bring the country together--he probably means democrats only, but his party is seriously divided and if it comes together it will be due more to the actions of Hillary Clinton, than Barack Obama.
The backers of Obama either do not think things through, and consider that what he says is not necessarily what he believes. He spouts change, without saying what the change entails. Unfortunately, considering his backers and his legislative record (such as it is) he reflects a Leninist approach to government and I believe, would attempt to take the nation down that road
and lead to the disintegration of the United States as we know it. Though no provable influence of Jeremiah Wright and the weatherman people has been established, the very fact that these matters have surfaced is evidence that this man has had and probably still has associations that are not consonant with the office of President of the United States. Consider this unemotionally.
Are you ready to accept Barack Obama, and his effete backers as the 44th Presidential Administration?

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Monday, May 5th, Carole and I went to Cox Hospital in Springfield where a Dr Gibson was to install a peritoneal catheter in my abdominal cavity. Thwere were three or four ahead of me and I laid on the guerney from 9:30 AM to 3:45 PM. The job was done by 5:00 PM and we headed home. The purpose of all this is to make it possible for me to provide my own dialysis, and will liberate me from the three time weekly visits to the dialysis center. It means I will be able to travel as I'll take my machine with me. I've been in some discomfort, but it's beginning to ease off. It'll be about four more days before I can take a shower. Son, Bob, a truck driver is on the road somewhere between here and California, Son, Pete is still teaching in Maine, his son, Pete is in Kuwait awaiting deployment to Iraq, Son Tim is in Afghanistan as a civilian contractor, daughter, Jane is in West Virginia still toiling for Internal Revenue, Pete's son Bryan is in the State of Washington contemplating going to Veterinary school, Bob's daughter Kelly is still her family's principal bread winner and also publishes a blog. Granddaughter Jill is in Maine with three children and entering a career in real estate. If i'm not mistaken her daughter, Shelby, will be entering college in a year. Of Tim's two kids, Tristan is doing fine at James Madison Universsity and Elspeth has been selected for prestigious Governor's School in Virginia. Pete's son Jamie is still at home and should finish high school in the near future, Jane's daughter, Bobbi, lives in West Virginia with husband Stephen and 2 daughters. Young Pete will get out of the army in about October of next year (?) and live in Texas where he plans to attend college for a degree in computer engineering. Its worth noting that he has a lady friend in San Antonio. Closer to home I have a great grandson, Kasey, who is the idol of his grandparents eyes. To get acquainted with Kasey, check Kelly's blog.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Democrats have really backed themselves into a corner. There's no doubt in my mind that Hillary stands the best chance against McCain, and also no doubt that Obama will earn the party nomination and go on to defeat in November. As a Republican I welcome the Obama nomination, and at the same time respect the fight put up by Hillary, and believe she deserves the nomination, but to do this would cause a large rift in the party as they would have to ignore the positive standing of Barack Obama, and thus give a big slap in the face to the African Americans who have long been faithful supporters of the Democratc Party. So.....Look for McCain vs. Obama and Obama sent packing back into the obscurity of the United States Senate.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I cannot help but wonder why African Americans so blindly adhere to the Democratic Party when the following matters are considered. It was the Republican Party under Lincoln, pressured by New England abolitionists who presumably freed the slaves by means of the Emancipation Proclamation. This was followed by the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution BY THE REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION, which codified the provisions of the Proclamation . Further, in the latter half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th it was the Democratic party of the deep south with its Jim Crow laws, etc who kept the blacks down and made a mockery of the Constitution.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


OK, more about me. As a hobby I collect United States stamps. I collect all, but concentrate on the Washington-Franklin Issues between 1908 and 1920. This is a tricky area as an awful lot of stamps look exactly alike, but there are differences and the diferences can involve 100's of dollars. I do most of my buying on eBay and also sell when I have a stamp surplus. I used to colloect beer cans and had an extensive collection (about 2000 cans) Only took a few to Florida when we moved there and then got rid of the rest when we moved to Missouri. Sold quite a few on eBay and one sold for over $550!! I have 4 children who are scattered: a son in Missouri, A son ion Maine, Ason in Afghanistan, and a daughter in West Virginia. I have 8 grand children and
7 great grandchikldren. My wife, 3rd marriage, has 3 children, 5 gandchildren and 7 great grandchildren--so birthdays come around too often. Enough for today Oh yes, politics intrigue me and I used to teach government in a community college in Baltimore, MD.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Evidently racism has reared its ugly head in the Democratic primary, or at least the Obama supporters say it has. I wonder if Obama cannot bring the Democratic Party together, how does he intend to unify the nation? If he represents the extreme wing of the party (which his relationships indicate he does) how will this unite the country? As far as racism is concerned , how do you explain that whites have turned out to vote for Obama, but blacks have been reluctant to vote for Clinton? Where is the racism?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Why, In the face of the fuel shortage and its impact on the United States, are we not drilling off shore, in Alaska, and other locations to increase our supply of oil?
I assume it’s the environmentalists who keep us from it, a relatively small, well financed lobbying group, able to make life tougher for the lower and middle class workers who face ever rising food and fuel prices. These well-off fat cats can worry about the snail darter, the caribou and believe they occupy the moral high ground in societal concerns while their less fortunate brethren struggle to make ends meet.

Monday, April 28, 2008


It is said that most Moslems are peaceful, rational people who decry those on the radical fringe. I doubt this is so, and that there is a deliberate attempt to convert or subjugate all those of other faiths. They are as unlikely to distance themselves from their radical brothers as most black Americans are to deny the positions of Jeremiah Wright.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Well, Grand-daughter, Kelly, says she reads my blogs but cannot understand them. Have trouble myself. Realize that they're very political and not in line with Kelly's thinking even if she could understand them. She was raixsed a Democrat, as was I, though I was unaware of it, until much later in life, when I saw the light and abandoned the party of the donkey. Evidently, Kelly's mother came from a very active and political family of Democrats and her views became her daughter's views. Her dad describes himself as a Democrat, but I suspect that he is more conservative than liberal, tho not necessarily a Republican. I think perhaps he and I are both candidates for the Constitutional Party, wherever they may be. The Libertarians are a little too far out for me. It's evident the Repuiblicans have strayed far from the conservative path and there are questions to be asked and answered concerning the war in Iraq. There's no doubt that something has kept another terrorist attack on the US in abeyance and it could well be the fact that we're keeping them well occupied in Iraq and Afghanistan, but even then we must weigh the equation of how many military deaths balance the number of American civilian deaths that never happened because the terrorists were kept out of the country. Think of the military as the external policemen of the nation, who put their lives on the line on a daily basis to keep the rest of us safe and secure. It's their job and they do it well and we should all know this and let them know that we know it and how much we appreciate it .More on this another day.

saved in the US

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Some have said that the Bill of Rights is a suicide pact in the way it has been interpreted. It has been used to provide legal representation for terrorists, to restrict executions as cruel and unusual, to provide most everything to illegal immigrants, virulent, rabid, anti-americanism has been protected. Though we have anti-hate laws, hateful, nasty condemnation of the President and others is tolerated and protected and pornography in its many forms is protected. Truth is submerged in a sea of political correctness where we can never really make sense of societal relations, because we are not allowed to discuss it rationally, as a chorus of “racist, sexist” and even worse epithets are spewed forth by the self proclaimed cultural elite.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Barack has got into deep do- do for comments he made to a group of left leaning fat cats in San Francisco. In fact he did no worse than 99% of all politicians who say what they think their audience wants to hear. Candor is a rare commodity

After his faux pas in San Franciso, the criticism of Barack Obama as a critical elitist is right on the money, however, I believe that the majority of those making the observation on television, are themselves members of the same group. Those dragging down salaries in the millions of dollars, cannot relate to the average guy in middle America, even if they think they can. I draw the analogy of a situation that was prevalent in World War II, when the newly commissioned former enlisted man told those who were still enlisted, that he was a GI once and could feel their pain. The enlisted attitude was “Crap!!”

Sunday, April 20, 2008


The census of 1830 listed 3,775 Blacks who owned 12,740 black slaves. How are the descendents of these slave owners to be identified for the possible payment of reparations?

Why do African Americans take Moslem names and why have so many joined the American Moslems of Farrakhan, when it was the Moslem Arabs who either captured or bought black Africans to the European slavers for sale.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Bill O’Reilly is pompous, arrogant, opinionated and most impolite to his guests by not allowing them to finish a sentence or a thought. But, in spite of this, he is the best of the horde of talking heads populating the TV screen. He comes the closest to Howard Cosell in “telling it like it is”. He has great guests of all political stripes. Now, if he’d only let them talk!

Is there a requirement on FOX news that all females be blond, beautiful, and intelligent?
Even the female doctors are blond, beautiful, and one assumes, intelligent.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Obama Income

If the Obama’s made 4.2 million dollars in 2007, why would they be having trouble repaying their student loans? Further evidence that politics pays. If your not a millionaire when you enter politics its practically assured that you will be when you leave. How many would buy Obama’s books if he were not running for president .

Constitutional Party

I understand that there is a Constitutional Party which believes in a strict interpretation of the Constitution as written by the founders. I wonder how one joins? In a previous entry I lamented the expansion of the federal government using the interstate commerce clause and the general welfare clause of the Preamble. Note what two of the founders had to say on the matter.
"If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the general welfare, the government is no longer a limited one possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one subject to particular exceptions." James Madison
"Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated” Thomas Jefferson
We're probably too deep into the stretching of the Constitutioonal provisions to get out completely, but it's not too late to return to the original intent in future actions by the President, 'Congress and the Courts.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


If the secular-progressives control the majority of the newspapers, broadcast television , cable networks, colleges and universities, and movie production, why is it that we’re not all brainwashed into their way of thinking? Is it because the major portion of the American public is not receptive to their message. What a bummer-to control close to 100% of the means of communication and not have anything relevant or acceptable to communicate!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

War Time

Since 1900 all the wars except the current one have been directed by Commanders-in-chief of the Democratic party. Specifically, Woodrow Wilson, World War I, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, World War II, Harry Truman, Korean War, and Lyndon Johmson
Vietnam. These were all presidents who stepped forward and lead when the nation was threatened. What has happened to this party/ Why did they suddenly become such wimps?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Gas Relief

Senator McCain today proposed that Congress suspend the federal gas tax during the period from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Democrats ridiculed the proposal stating it did not have the long run effects that were needed. They seemed to assume that he was offering this as part of his economic program, when in fact, it was a proposal from a Senator of the United States who just happens to be a presidential candidate. The suspension, if passed, would only reduce the gas cost by about 18 cents, but this is a step
which cane be taken without price controls.

Monday, April 14, 2008


I find it hard to understand people who will vote for the candidate of their party even when they neither like nor trust their candidate.. Better to not vote at all. I’m a Republican, but I voted for Kennedy and Johnson and would have voted for Truman if I had been in the country. At the time, I did not care for Nixon, Goldwater, or Dewey. I did vote for Nixon later.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

FIRST LADY? If you type in Michele
LaVaughn Robinson you will find that this story regarding her thesis is true.
What you will find is that access to her thesis has been denied until after
the 2008 election. Interesting......
In her senior thesis at Princeton, Michele Obama, the wife of Barack Obama
stated that America was a nation founded on "crime and hatred". Moreover, she
stated that whites in America were "ineradicably racist". The 1985 thesis,
titled "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community" was written under
her maiden name, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson.

Michelle Obama stated in her thesis that to "Whites at Princeton, it often
seems as if, to them, she will always be Black first..." However, it was
reported by a fellow black classmate, "If those "Whites at Princeton" really
saw Michelle as one who always would "be Black first," it seems that she gave
them that impression".

Most alarming is Michele Obama's use of the terms "separationist" and
"integrationist" when describing the views of black people.

Mrs. Obama clearly identifies herself with a "separationist" view of race.

"By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities
as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the
desperation of their situation and feel more hopeless about a resolution as
opposed to an integrationist who is ignorant to their plight."

Obama writes that the path she chose by attending Princeton would likely lead
to her "further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and
social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of
society; never becoming a full participant."

Michele Obama clearly has a chip on her shoulder.
Not only does she see separate black and white societies in America, but she
elevates black over white in her world.

Here is another passage that is uncomfortable and ominous in meaning:

"There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black community, I am
obligated to this community and will utilize all of my present and future
resources to benefit the black community first and foremost. "

What is Michelle Obama planning to do with her future resources if she's
first lady that will elevate black over white in America?

The following passage appears to be a call to arms for affirmative action
policies that could be the hallmark of an Obama administration.

"Predominately white universities like Princeton are socially and
academically designed to cater to the needs of the white students comprising
the bulk of their enrollments."

The conclusion of her thesis is alarming.

Michelle Obama's poll of black alumni concludes that other black students at
Princeton do not share her obsession with blackness. But rather than
celebrate, she is horrified that black alumni identify with our common
American culture more than they value the color of their skin. "I hoped that
these findings would help me conclude that despite the high degree of
identification with whites as a result of the educational and occupational
path that black Princeton alumni follow, the alumni would still maintain a
certain level of identification with the black community. However, these
findings do not support this possibility."

Is it no wonder that most black alumni ignored her racist questionnaire? Only
89 students responded out of 400 who were asked for input.

Michelle Obama does not look into a crowd of Obama supporters and see
Americans. She sees black people and white people eternally conflicted with
one another.

The thesis provides a trove of Mrs. Obama's thoughts and world view seen
through a race-based prism.

This is a very divisive view for a potential first lady that would do untold
damage to race relations in this country in a Barack Obama administration.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Global Warming

Survivors of Hurricane Charlie, we moved from Florida to Missouri in 2006. Since our arrival we have weathered three ice storms, many tornado warnings (but no hits) and rain beyond belief. Can’t help but wonder how much worse it would be were it not for global warming.

Friday, April 11, 2008

carbon credits

In regard to carbon credits, I wonder If factory A is able to reduce its carbon emissions by fifty percent and is thus able to sell carbon credits to consumers with SUV’s who then cover their emissions (without reducing them) Is there really a reduction in emissions or does it just balance out?USED

Are carbon credits just another boondoggle to get greedy hands on the money of the unsuspecting and gullible public.USED

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I wonder as I watch people who should know better worship at the feet of Barack Obama, who as far as I can see, has nothing going for him but an exceptional speaking ability. But so far he’s all words and short on ideas. He carries far too much adverse baggage ro be considered for the American Presidency. A 20 year association with a hate spouting parson, whose close friendship he acknowledges, alone makes the presidency questionable.(I might insert here his comment when Don Imus made his infamous nappy headed ho comment, Obama had this to say “There is nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made any comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group.”) Add to to this that his wife, with whom one assumes he is close, has made statements that make one wonder about her loyalty to the nation her husband presumes to lead. Then, consider that his father was Moslem (though he is not) and his mother may have been a communist who did not care for the United States. What is there in his background indicating a love for this country, other than his own word and the fawning comments of his acolytes? So soon after 9/11 do we really want a president Barack Hussein Obama?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Instead of demanding reparations for slavery blacks should thank God that their ancestors endured the horror of slavery and thus in the long run insured that they would be citizens of the United States and not some benighted failing African nation.

How is it that the same people who favor abortion also oppose capital punishment. Are they willing to kill the innocent, but let the guilty live?

Do the enumerated powers of the federal government listed in the Constitution have much meaning when they are stretched beyond recognition using the interstate commerce clause and the General Welfare clause, which is not a clause at all.

In the case of immigration and the illegal immigrants we may as well set up the machinery for granting them citizenship but one overriding condition must be made quite clear, and that is, they must speak English, and in this connection the government must stop printing materials in Spanish, as this is a formal acceptance of a second official language. “No speaka da English, no havea da citizenship”

Obama stated that McCain has “no clear definition of success” in Iraq. He should have added that he and other leftie liberals have a “clear definition of failure “in that area.

Why should the money of the people who watched what they were doing and entered into mortgages they could handle, be used to bail out those who went in over their heads.


If you wonder about me and where I’m coming from, this should answer it. I’m older than Methuselah and have survived the Great Depression of the 1930’s and World War II. In my lifetime I have farmed, been a city fireman, retired military, a high school teacher, a college professor, and a purchasing agent for a large corporation. I have lived in many States of the Union and in foreign nations in both Europe and Asia. I mention this only to establish my credentials regarding the postings on this blog , which will probably never be read by any but me, but it gives me an opportunity to vent my feelings on the passing parade

If a Democrat is elected President of the United States in 2008, it will not be long thereafter before the terrorists test his or her resolve with an attack on US interests either domestically or internationally depending on the circumstances.

It seems a preponderance of the kooks and loonies in our society are located on the West Coast, particularly in California. Is it possible that a course in such conduct is available at the University of California Berkley?

There’s a certain smug satisfaction in taking the high road , but I believe this may be what eventually destroys us. Our sense of fairness, tolerance, and rule of law is strained when faced by the treasonous acts of our own people and the cruel intolerant attitudes of our enemies.

It looks like Congress goofed again with the push for ethanol fuels. The crops going to the production of this esoteric fuel are removed from the food chain and thus force up the cost of foodstuffs on a public already staggering under the high cost of gasoline..